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For a long time, I suffered from severe exam anxiety. As a result, I either didn’t take important exams at all, put them off for a long time or only got through them under enormous stress (+ panic attacks). It was only when my brain understood some things better (cognitive restructuring) that exam situations became much more bearable, sometimes even downright relaxed. Watch the video to find out six of the best tips that have helped me (and many others)…


Studies (just a small selection):

Brooks, A. W. (2014). Get excited: reappraising pre-performance anxiety as excitement. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143(3), 1144.

Bruehlman-Senecal, E., & Ayduk, O. (2015). This too shall pass: temporal distance and the regulation of emotional distress. Journal of personality and social psychology, 108(2), 356.

Bruehlman-Senecal, E., Ayduk, Ö., & John, O. P. (2016). Taking the long view: Implications of individual differences in temporal distancing for affect, stress reactivity, and well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 111(4), 610.

Gao, Y., Zhang, Q., He, R., Liao, J., Feng, H., Deng, H., … & Mo, L. (2022). The Influences of Social Distance on Anxiety Caused by Spatial and Temporal Distance.

Rinaldi, L., Locati, F., Parolin, L., & Girelli, L. (2017). Distancing the present self from the past and the future: Psychological distance in anxiety and depression.