Study shows: This might be the best mindset to overcome anxiety.


Countless studies show: If you want to overcome your fear, you would do well to face it. Whether it's a fear of spiders, dogs, lectures, heights, thunderstorms, small rooms, dental treatment, [...]

Study shows: This might be the best mindset to overcome anxiety.2024-05-12T11:19:26+02:00

Breaking Free: Transforming Anxiety Through Memory Reconsolidation


Is it possible to rewrite old traumatic fear memories and thus significantly reduce the suffering of many patients? The discovery of memory reconsolidation suggests that this could be much easier [...]

Breaking Free: Transforming Anxiety Through Memory Reconsolidation2024-02-03T14:00:34+01:00

PANIC ATTACKS AND AGORAPHOBIA – 3 tips from science that really work…


Approximately 5% of all people in Europe suffer from agoraphobia at least once in their lives (the 12-month prevalence is about 2%; Wittchen and Hoyer, 2011). Due to fear (of [...]

PANIC ATTACKS AND AGORAPHOBIA – 3 tips from science that really work…2022-03-27T10:11:09+02:00
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